In his presentation, our colleague Johannes Barckmann informs about the EDAG CityBot mobility system and presents forward-looking theses about the acceptance of all stakeholders in the context of future mobility offers (technology migration) for discussion.
Mobility today is experiencing a profound change. Both the economy and society are undergoing a transformation process that is gaining momentum. Alternative forms of propulsion, digitalization including autonomous driving and the need to rethink urban mobility are opening up a wide range of opportunities and business models. At this event, the Gmünd Mobility Forum will take on the task of providing answers to the question of where future mobility solutions are headed.
The next Gmünder Forum Mobilität will take place on October 14, 2021, where our colleague Johannes Barckmann would also like to take part in the discussion on the extent to which the EDAG CityBot mobility system can become a part of future mobility offerings.